October 1, 2024

What’s in an SBOM and Why It Matters for Risk Managers

An SBOM lists all software components, versions, and licenses, helping risk managers ensure security, compliance, and risk management.

What’s in an SBOM and Why It Matters for Risk Managers

Software is everywhere. From the apps on your phone to the systems that run businesses and governments. That software is built from lots of smaller parts, many of which come from outside sources.

That’s where an SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) comes in. If you’re unfamiliar with SBOMs, think of them as a detailed list of ingredients used in a piece of software.

What Is an SBOM?

Just like how food products include a nutrition label, an SBOM lists all the parts that make up a software program. These parts can include open source (free and publicly available) software, third-party libraries, or anything else the software relies on. Understanding what’s in the software you use or build is crucial for staying safe and up-to-date.

What Does an SBOM Include?

Here are some of the key ingredients typically listed in an SBOM:

  • Component Name: Every software part gets its name on the list. Just like how you’d list “flour” or “sugar” for a recipe, the SBOM lists the specific software components being used.
  • Version Information: Each component comes with a version number. This helps track if you're using an old or the most recent version. It’s like checking the expiration date on food products.
  • Licenses: Some software parts come with legal conditions (called licenses) that dictate how they can be used. Open source software, for example, may have a license like MIT or GPL, which tells you the rules for using or modifying the code.
  • Component Supplier: This tells you where the software part came from. Did it come from a trusted software vendor, or was it part of an open source community project?
  • Dependency Relationships: Some software parts rely on other parts to work properly. These are called dependencies. Imagine if your recipe for cookies required chocolate chips, and those chocolate chips needed to come from a specific brand—dependency relationships work similarly in software.
  • Vulnerability Information (optional): As more SBOMs are created, many also include warnings about potential security issues or vulnerabilities. It’s like a food label warning about potential allergens.
  • Unique Identifiers: This is a standardized way of identifying software components, like a barcode you’d scan at the grocery store. It helps track different components across different software projects.
  • Hash or Checksum: A cryptographic hash is like a tamper-proof seal. It ensures that each software part is exactly as it should be and hasn’t been altered.
  • Author/Publisher Information: Who made this software part? It’s helpful to know who’s responsible in case you have any questions or concerns.

Why Should You Care About SBOMs?

Even if you're not a software expert, SBOMs are important for several reasons:

  1. Security: Cyberattacks often happen because bad actors find vulnerabilities in software. An SBOM helps you see exactly what’s inside your software, making it easier to spot weak points before hackers can exploit them.
  2. Compliance: Many companies use open source software, which comes with certain rules (or licenses). Using an SBOM ensures that you're following these rules, avoiding legal problems down the road.
  3. Maintenance and Patching: Software, like everything else, needs maintenance. Having a list of all your software parts makes it easier to update or fix outdated components.
  4. Risk Management: An SBOM provides full transparency into what you're working with, so you can better manage potential risks, especially if the software relies on many third-party parts.

Why SBOMs Matter for the Future of Software

As software continues to evolve, especially with more open source and third-party components, SBOMs are becoming a crucial tool for ensuring security and transparency. They help protect against unsupported or outdated code, geopolitical risks, and hidden vulnerabilities that could put users at risk.

If you’re working in a field related to software, even in non-technical roles, understanding the basics of SBOMs can help you make smarter decisions about the tools and programs your organization relies on.

Lineaje provides the most comprehensive, reliable, and user friendly SBOM solution on the market for Software Vendors, Third Party Risk Managers, DevSecOps teams, and Compliance leaders. Schedule an appointment with Lineaje to learn more today.